Thursday, October 8, 2009

Levi Johnston to Pose Nude for Playgirl! Oh for the love of...

This week in the “Really?  No, Really!?!?” category we have Levi Johnston.  He has announced that he will be posing for Playgirl.  I guess if Dad was sticking around he could use the “I’m providing for my family” excuse.  But after he high-tailed it out of there post-election hullabaloo, I’d say that he’s just cashing in on his 15 minutes of fame.

This publicity stunt comes on the heels of his pseudo-dating Kathy Griffin.  Did he realize he was the butt of every joke she made for a solid week?  Even while he was hanging on her arm?  Probably not.  And have you seen his tacky new pistachio nut commercial?  The tagline for the shot allows him to reiterate to America that next time “he’ll do it with protection.”  The double entendre could be referring to the hulking body guard next to him.  Or, we can be talking about his behind-the-Alaskan-barn insertion.  Either way, I hope he has enough money to send his kid to therapy.  Because he’s going to need it!

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