Tuesday, November 17, 2009

Des Moines Police Search For Naked Burglar

Des Moines police are looking for a pair of burglars, one of whom reportedly was naked when discovered Sunday by a homeowner.

Javier Pagannazario, 29, told police his wife, Genoveva, was awakened by footsteps upstairs early on Sunday morning in the 7500 block of Southview Drive in Des Moines.

Javier went upstairs to investigate and found a man asleep on his couch. The man jumped up and ran out the front door.

Genoveva, meanwhile, confronted a woman on the lower level. The intruder was described in a police report as a large woman who was naked. She ran out a back door.

The intruders jumped into a 14-year-old van and drove away. It was parked in the driveway. Police have the license plate number.

After the couple left the residence Javier noticed $900 missing from his wallet.

Crime scene investigators were called in to process the scene. They took as evidence a black jacket that was left behind.

No arrests immediately were reported. Police said Javier Pagannazario reported the break-in at 2:45 a.m.

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