Saturday, November 14, 2009

Getting caught up ...

I haven’t put anything up in a while so this will be something of an omnibus post:

These are two small sketches from the Toronto Islands I did on the same afternoon late this summer:

12 x 14 – oil on canvas board

oil on canvas board 12 x 14

And these are the paintings I did in Tom’s class. The figures were done as usual over three classes; the portrait was done in about 15 minutes (!):

I was inspired by that last little portrait (and pushed by my on going struggle to simplify and focus on the whole). I have since been trying to keep my painting to 2 hours or so. These from the Fall session of Tom’s TSA class:

Oh I like that last one.

The next one does not compare but at least when you take away the nasty colour treatment the composition works:

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